Work > Performances > Self Civilisation

Self CiviliSation

Self Civilisation is a poem about impossible balance and desire of disorder.

I’m made of shadow and lights, silence and fights.
Possibilities and past, pros and the cons. 
I’m an empty space coping with time to lose until extinction.
Invisible randomness, Pavlov's dog reminder, endless limitation 
I’m surviving on a planet where I have no business to begin with.
Me, myself and I. Egotism and Universalism. Adam and Eve.
Dying with pathos, without ethos, hoping for the reboot.
New hedonists know what this orgy is about.
Territories need frontiers because people want shackles.
They prefer black Friday to blackholes.
Dark rooms for autonomous security or ephemeral liberty.
No more alcohol, no alcove, not enough twilights in reality.
Bloc builders. Architecture lovers. Life believers.
Casual crisis. Low cost Elephantiasis. Moral paralysis.
Long Live Alone Long Live Alone Long Live Alone
Later Late Line Later Late Line Later Late Line
One profile. Two faces. One life. On hold.
Unknown. Unwritten. Unfolded but Untold.
I do remember all the lines that stitch my body of work together,
but I can’t rekindle their origins, the place, the hour.
I had a name, I made one, you will have mine, sorry.
No prisoners, uber economy, remember! No glory.
Cycles repeat themselves to become data and flat lines.
Casual fantasy, delirium tremens and ordinary madness.
The end is now, it is real, the exit is on pause, it is an error.
To feel the pain is to be alive, to cause the pain is to be a survivor!
Balance and depth, the first wants to live and the second to exist.
Likes, emojis, gifs, the modernity and the beast.
I left by choice, I will come back again, the price of insanity.
Until all of you stop listening to my demons’ diary.
The same uncomfortable truth emerges from my own questions.
I was hopping for one beacon but I received infinite variations.
This is it. Only a kid. The last rule. All about the code. Nothing to read.
But I’m complete. I’m fulfilled. I’m full. I imploded. I’m defeated.
Spare parts during the day, walking leftovers at night, in between I hope I will finally collapse.
Epistolary, chaotic but linear I need multiple epiphanies to live my life as an ellipse.